mlxtend version: 0.23.4


find_filegroups(paths, substring='', extensions=None, validity_check=True, ignore_invisible=True, rstrip='', ignore_substring=None)

Find and collect files from different directories in a python dictionary.


  • paths : list

    Paths of the directories to be searched. Dictionary keys are build from the first directory.

  • substring : str (default: '')

    Substring that all files have to contain to be considered.

  • extensions : list (default: None)

    None or list of allowed file extensions for each path. If provided, the number of extensions must match the number of paths.

  • validity_check : bool (default: None)

    If True, checks if all dictionary values have the same number of file paths. Prints a warning and returns an empty dictionary if the validity check failed.

  • ignore_invisible : bool (default: True)

    If True, ignores invisible files (i.e., files starting with a period).

  • rstrip : str (default: '')

    If provided, strips characters from right side of the file base names after splitting the extension. Useful to trim different filenames to a common stem. E.g,. "abc_d.txt" and "abc_d_.csv" would share the stem "abc_d" if rstrip is set to "_".

  • ignore_substring : str (default: None)

    Ignores files that contain the specified substring.


  • groups : dict

    Dictionary of files paths. Keys are the file names found in the first directory listed in paths (without file extension).


For usage examples, please see


find_files(substring, path, recursive=False, check_ext=None, ignore_invisible=True, ignore_substring=None)

Find files in a directory based on substring matching.


  • substring : str

    Substring of the file to be matched.

  • path : str

    Path where to look.

  • recursive : bool

    If true, searches subdirectories recursively.

  • check_ext : str

    If string (e.g., '.txt'), only returns files that match the specified file extension.

  • ignore_invisible : bool

    If True, ignores invisible files (i.e., files starting with a period).

  • ignore_substring : str

    Ignores files that contain the specified substring.


  • results : list

    List of the matched files.


For usage examples, please see